Hi, everyone! I’m Emily, the owner of Stroller Strong Moms Wiesbaden. I am truly excited and honored to take on this new role. S.L.A.M. has been, without exaggeration, one of the greatest and most defining things to happen in my life. The saying “strong women lift each other up” comes to mind whenever I think of S.L.A.M.

My S.L.AM. journey began in early 2017 at Leavenworth, Kansas. I had just had my second child three months earlier and had quit my job to stay home. I was struggling with being a stay at home mom, far away from any family or friends. But, I was determined to fight my way out of the uncertain space I was in. I reached out to Meghan Argo, the boss of Stroller Strong Moms Leavenworth. I showed up for my first class not knowing what to expect. Would they be accepting and friendly?

Little did I know, as I walked through the gym doors on that dreary January day, that Stroller Strong Moms would become more than my “workout group”. The women that I met there (and would go on to meet when I moved on to S.L.A.M. Fayetteville) would become some of my biggest cheerleaders, my best friends. These women would go on to help me through a series of difficult events in my life: a year-long deployment, caring for a new baby, and preparing for an international move (during a pandemic, no less!). Never have I experienced a group of women so selfless, so willing to cheer each other on and to lift each other up.

After I moved from Kansas to North Carolina, I became a certified group fitness instructor and taught at Stroller Strong Moms Fayetteville for a year and a half. I have never had so much fun at a job before- ever! It was a true joy working alongside such an incredible and uplifting group. I also found my true passion as a fitness instructor- I find true joy in helping other moms better themselves physically and mentally and to unleash their full potential as athletes and women.

As soon as I discovered we were moving to Germany, I knew that I wanted to open my own S.L.A.M. But opening a location turned out to be more difficult than I thought. I had to go through a tedious, lengthy, and often baffling process to open. But the power of this amazing community is so strong; it kept me going through the nearly yearlong journey. This has truly been a labor of love, and I am so thrilled to begin this journey and create our very own S.LA.M. community in Deutschland.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for information on our opening and more! Webpage coming soon!!!